JBIS Search

Japan's Largest Horse Racing Information Database

Japan's Largest Horse Racing Information Database - JBIS Search

Updates and Provided Data

Basic Data Update Cycle

JBIS generally brings its data up to date from Monday to Friday.
Please reference the following detailed information when using the service. (Staffed work is not performed on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.)

JRA horse race-related information (updated weekly) Mondays from 16:00 (for races held on Saturday and Sunday)
NAR horse race-related information (updated Monday to Friday) Daily from 13:00 (for races held the previous day)
Race Cards
  • Thursdays from 16:30 (Thursday races)
  • Fridays and Saturdays from 11:00 (races for the following days)
Rankings and statistics related As needed when results are updated
Related information on per-stable basis As above
Other As needed

Data Provided by JBIS

The data provided by JBIS is created based on data provided by the Japan Racing Association (JRA), National Association of Racing, Japan Race Horse Registry, and the Japan Bloodhorse Breeders’ Association.
However, as there is some incomplete data depending on the year, please reference the following information when using the service.
Horse Information Horses born 1984 or after The provided data is used.
Horses born between 1972 and 1983 There is some incomplete data depending on the item (owner, breeder, place of birth, etc.).
Horses born 1971 or before As data is currently being organized, some data is unavailable or incomplete.
Race Results Horses born 1984 or after The provided data is used (per-race results and tabulated race record by year).
Horses born between 1972 and 1983 The provided data is used (tabulated race record by year only).
Horses born 1971 or before As data is currently being organized, some data is unavailable or incomplete (tabulated race record by year only).
Race Results JRA The provided data is used. Data available from 1986.
Overseas-related Information Applies to major countries in North America, Europe and Oceania While data related to imported horses is currently being organized, it has not been completely updated.
Five-generation Pedigree Information - Data with complete three-generation pedigree information is provided.
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